Get ready for the holidays at Middletown’s annual Christmas in the Valley!
Main Street Middletown and the Town of Middletown partner together to host this holiday gathering with our special guest, Santa Claus who always makes a special visit to the Valley!
This event is always the first Saturday of December, when folks come out to shop early, as our downtown businesses keep their doors open wide to welcome you in from the chill. Enjoy carolers strolling the street, crafts for kids, hot cocoa, hot apple cider, and the lighting of the town tree which includes a community-wide sing-along of your favorite holiday songs! And of course, stay for a while and get a photo with Santa, and so much more!
Our friendly elves will be collecting unwrapped toys to help make local children have a merrier holiday. Middletown Valley People Helping People distributes your donated toys to children in need. In exchange, our happy elves will give your child a Santa Sack to fill up with fun gifts from our local businesses.
Christmas in the Valley!