We love, Love, LOVE our Ice Cream in Middletown, Maryland!
Middletown, Maryland has had an ongoing love affair with ice cream!
With our historic roots grounded in dairy farming, why not indulge in some ice cream?
It all started with Main’s Ice Cream Factory. It was so delicious that it put Middletown on the map! Folks would come from far and near on their Sunday drive on the National Road and make a stop here for some of the freshest ice cream you could buy. Today, we honor that past with multiple ice cream places; in fact, we have so many ice cream choices, that we developed our own Ice Cream Trail.
Grab your Ice Cream Trail brochure at our Welcome Center, and start your love affair with Middletown Ice Cream – from nearby farms, to sampling sweets on the porch of More Ice Cream, celebrating a bit of confectionary history at the oldest Hersey’s licensed dealer in the Country at LDS, to transporting yourself to Italy with Abbraccio Gelato!
Middletown’s Ice Cream Trail!